Shaw’s Agave

Shaw's agave is a beautiful endangered species threatened by displacement in our local area. I always encourage the growth of local endangered species. It like almost all agaves is thorny, sharp and a formidable presence in a garden. It creates pups (baby agaves) seldom, but in maturity it will pup for you. Shaw's agave obtains a size of about 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide. Like most agaves, the plants can live all year on rain only, even in our desert San Diego climate. Coastally no water all year, inland you may want to water it a few times a year or more. Please remember that all plants when newly planted need water to get used to their new homes. Agave in general don't do well in heavy shade or with excess water. Agaves bloom and then die (they are called monocarpic) so when you see a bloom on an agave expect you will need to remove all or some of the blooming plant soon. Agave flowers can last weeks or months, and shaw's agave has a relatively short flower stalk at about 7-12 feet. The Latin name of this plant is Agave shawii.




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