Rock Samphire

Rock samphire is a favorite due to the fact that it is a rare edible plant that grows well with little water. There aren't too many plants I can say this about so I like to highlight such. The plant is a short bush that can grow to a size about 4 feet tall and 6 wide. It can drop viable seeds and near sprinklers can reseed well creating a nice sized crop. The seeds can be a food source as well as the leaves. The leaves have a very appealing flavor, as it is closely related to carrot and parsley it tastes like carrot greens with a strong parsley note. It is high in minerals and vitamins. It enjoys a coastal environment with rock soils (or in other words high drainage soils to very high drainage soils) and is generally pretty hardy. It has a high salt tolerance and can be used in harsh environments but this of course affects edibility. This plant is rather rare and I would not expect a simple search to find it for purchase.


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Scented Geraniums